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Drowning man
You need a pill. You start from scratch.
You never hope for too much.
You want to tell the truth. You lie.
You drink a lot. You sell. You buy.
You hurry up. You have a deal.
And no one knows what you feel.
You stopped to drink. You keep a fit.
You work a lot. You sleep. You eat.
You see some news. You take some rest.
You always have to look well-dressed.
You hurry up. You need a pill.
And no one knows what you feel.
You’re looking good. You earn a lot.
There are so many things you’ve got.
You get enough. You’re bored to think.
You want to die. You cry. You drink.
You give up fit. You make a will.
And no one knows what you feel.
You’ve bought a gun. You waste your time.
You lose control, commit a crime.
And no one knows what you feel...
You start from scratch. You need a pill.
Теги: hollander
Отредактировано hollander (01-09-2013 19:11:56)