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Nick Drake

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A troubled cure for a troubled mind
Это был эталонный социофоб, хоть в палату мер и весов. Гениальный, без кавычек, поэт и певец, который совершенно не реализовался только по причине своей неспособности общаться с людьми. Записал три великих альбома (Pink Moon - вообще безоговорочный шедевр, альбом по мрачности приближается к Closer), но оказался полным банкротом по причине того, что не смог ни давать интервью, ни взаимодействовать с публикой на концертах. И смерть от передозировки антидепресантов.


У меня где-то лежит скачанная документалка про Дрейка. Так как она шла без перевода и без субтитров, я ее бегло покрутил, да и отложил до лучших времен. Надо будет разыскать и посмотреть)) Записей выступлений после Дрейка не осталось, поэтому фильм построен из монтажа его фотографий, съемок дома, где он жил, интервью с родственниками, музыкантами и продюсерами, с которыми он писался, ну и, естественно, большую часть фильма звучат его песни, куда же без них.) Но это такая, сугубо камерная вещица, для фанатов онли, случайному человеку будет непонятно, да и неинтересно разбираться, из-за чего весь сыр-бор поднялся вокруг этого человека.


Вот Моррисона, этого поди все знают, потому как раскручен) А Дрейк... Who is Mr. Drake?


Вы б не поленились перевести несколько песен для сообщества, для тех, кто точно не будет читать английские тексты))


когда я нервинчаю или злобню, раймонд мне ставит ника дрейка и нейтрализует меня))


Ну какие записи выступлений? Он же на редких концертах в пол глядел, ноль контакта с залом. Алёна вроде видела где-то на ютубе единственную запись его интервью, на котором он оказался способен говорить развёрнутыми предложениями. Дико жаль парня, с таким талантом всё потерять. по большому счёту, если бы Island поняла его реальный потенциал, то раскручивала бы его именно как "романтического одиночку". По крайней мере именно на этом его легенда потом и сформировалась, когда люди выросшие на его песнях в пост панк пошли. Но для психо-фолка начала семидесятых такой подход был совсем не стандартным, тогда в моде ещё было хоровое пение.


cecilbdemented обалдеть, спасибо за настроение и открытие! Никогда о нем раньше не слышала, очень понравилось)


cecilbdemented написал(а):

Ну какие записи выступлений? Он же на редких концертах в пол глядел, ноль контакта с залом.

Говорят, что на первых концертах "Дорз" Моррисон пел, развернувшись к залу жопой. Нет, не потому, что публику не уважал. Стеснялся сильно  https://forumupload.ru/uploads/0000/94/45/15511-2.gif 

cecilbdemented написал(а):

Алёна вроде видела где-то на ютубе единственную запись его интервью, на котором он оказался способен говорить развёрнутыми предложениями.

А вот это очень хотелось бы увидеть. Ежели отыщется, не поленитесь разместить здесь ссылочку, ок?)

Отредактировано Titus Groan (05-04-2014 01:46:09)


Titus Groan написал(а):

Ежели отыщется, не поленитесь разместить здесь ссылочку, ок?)

here you go, mate - там запись очень плохого качества сквозь пробивающиеся шумы:


А вот фактически единственное найденное мной интервью (там потом интервью его родственников)

Interview with Nick Drake
From Sounds, March 13, 1971
The article was written by Jerry Gilbert

Something else for Nick?

Nick Drake is a shy, introverted folk singer, who is not usually known to speak unless it is absolutely necessary. But Nick is not the kind of folk singer who will drift into your friendly neighbourhood folk club; in fact, if you've seen him perform, the chances are that it was on the bill of a sell-out Festival Hall concert.
   Last week I spoke to Nick, and eventually discovered that it has been precisely these kind of gigs that had hung him up - the reason why he has shied away from public performances almost without exception.
   "I think the problem was with the material, which I wrote rather for records than performing. There were only two or three concerts that felt right, and there was something wrong with all the others. I did play Cousins and one or two folk clubs in the north, but the gigs just sort of petered out," Nick explained.
   Nick pointed out that he was not happy with the way the gigs were working out and he couldn't get into them properly. Why, then, was he performing at such esteemed venues as the Festival Hall?
   "I was under some obligation to them, but it wasn't the end of the world when I stopped. If I was enjoying the gigs it would have made much more sense."

Don't, however, gain the impression that Nick is not a superb artist. Placed in the right context, his songs produce quite a stunning effect over a period of time. He has worked on two albums with Witchseason producer Joe Boyd, the latter having been released only only last week. Entitled "Bryter Layter", it features some of the musicians who contributed to the success of the John and Beverly Martyn albums, notably Paul Harris; and Robert Kirby's arrangements are just as important as Nick Drake's songs.
   Says Nick: "I had something in mind when I wrote the songs, knowing that they weren't just for me. The album took a long time to do, in fact, we started it almost a year ago. But I'm not altogether clear about this album - I haven't got to terms with the whole presentation."

What's the next step for Nick? "I think there'll be another album and I have some material for it, but I'll be looking around now to see if the album leads anywhere naturally. For the next one I had the idea of just doing something with John Wood, the engineer at Sound Techniques."
   Would there be any gigs to promote the album? "I don't think that would help - unless they were done in the right way. I'm just not very sure at the moment, it's hard to tell what will turn up. If I could find making music a fairly natural connection with something else, then I might move on to something else."

Отредактировано cecilbdemented (05-04-2014 03:09:51)


Там, кстати, и расшифровка этой записи висит.

Nick's monologue
transcribed by Jason Creed (from "The Complete home recordings" bootleg)

Um, good evening...or should I say, good morning. The time is twenty-five to five, and I've been sitting here for some time now, actually...(?) from a party which I quite enjoyed, but you know, it's... One has one's reservations when one has quite enjoyed oneself, but one has to make reservations because, um, the people were particularly interesting. In fact, there wasn't as many people there as I expected there to be, it was, I thought...you know, the Maynard-Mitchells have a big, big 'do', in fact there weren't nearly as many as one might have thought, which was, which was a pity.
    In fact, I think I must have drunk a lot, or although it seemed so, at the time I felt myself quite sober, but when I leapt into the car to drive home, after my merry abandon, I found the task extremely difficult. And it was extremely fortunate that, um, there was nothing else on the road because, looking back at it, I seem to remember I had a mental brainstorm, and I didn't realise at the time, and I think I drove the whole way home on the righthand side of the road...which is something, of course, which comes from driving in France too much, which is what I've been doing recently, as you probably know...driving in France, you know. And in moments of stress, such as was this journey home, one forgets so easily, the lies, the truth and the pain...and so I'm wavering from the point...
    What I was trying to say...um, when I sat here I had an extremely pleasant time on the piano actually. I was playing the piano and sort of singing, and I rather fear I may have kept people awake upstairs...one hopes not, but it was pleasant, and it's extremely pleasant sitting here now, because I think there is something extraordinarily nice about seeing the dawn up before one goes to bed, because there's something uncanny about it, when it suddenly becomes light, because one connects darkness with going to bed, surely...um, and when one is still up when it becomes light, and it's a new day, and you still haven't gone to bed, to sleep, because the night equals sleep, so easily, and when one is still up when the new day begins, it is something of an (achieved?) experience, I always find.
    I can look out of the window now, and that tree over there is green, whereas before one goes to bed, just when one goes to bed, that tree should be black, surely. Everything should be black before one goes to bed, but that is surely the essence of the romantic.
    Anyway, I think I'm straying from the point. I shall probably stop now because, um, if I don't I shall start sort of surrealating on life histories and things, which will be frightfully tedious. So it's here that I'll sort of say good night, you know... Good night.


Да, вот мнение человека, который взял то интервью. Очень жёсткое и ошибочное, имхо:

There wasn't any connection whatsoever. I don't think he made eye contact with me once. If you wanted to be uncharitable, you could say he was just a spoiled boy with a silver spoon and went around feeling sorry for himself.

Никакой коммуникации в общем-то не было. Я не помню, посмотрел ли он хоть раз на меня за всё время. Если быть жестоким, то можно было бы сказать, что он был очень одарённым, но дурно воспитанным мальчишкой, который глубоко страдает от жалости к себе(Перевод не мой)


А вот из интервью Дэвида Сандисона из Island:

Jason Creed: Why do you think Nick sold so few records?

DS: Partly because he didn't, he wasn't capable of, or couldn't do that promotion thing that you just have to do. You've got to be real about it, and the fact of the matter is if you're not out there... even if he'd been doing small gigs with a manageable number of people, which probably would have doubled or tripled sales, and word of mouth would have done a bit more as well but, you know, how many gigs did he play in his life? There weren't any radio stations that were going to play him. John Peel played some stuff, but where else were he going to be played? It was severely left field in commercial terms, so there was nothing really that Island... I mean, okay, Island could take out adverts, but adverts are only part of a jigsaw which includes live performance and interviews and radio play, and three out of four of those were missing. Because the one interview I managed to persuade him to do with Jerry Gilbert, the fact that Jerry got two or three paragraphs out of him was amazing, a triumph of skill over reality. In the half hour that we sat in that café, I would think Nick probably said a dozen words. We finished up like two idiots sort of blithering at him. Jerry would spend two minutes asking him a question that demanded an answer, and Nick would say "yes" or "no" and then hum a bit and stir his tea and maybe sort of start a sentence and then kind of give up. Witchseason were amazed that he agreed to do it. I met him at the Queen Elizabeth Hall when he opened for John and Beverly Martyn, at a backstage party afterwards, and I said, you know, that the show was really nice, and he sort of said "thank you" and then wandered away. And I just thought, well okay, because I'd seen the set and I'd heard the albums, so I didn't expect him to throw his arms around me and say "thank you very much", because, again, during the show I think if he introduced one number he certainly didn't do anymore than that, and he didn't even say "thank you and goodnight". But, you know, Gabrielle says "that's not the way I remember it".


Документальный фильм, о котором я писал выше:


Интересно, Википедия сообщает, что в детские и подростковые годы Ник не проявлял никаких предпосылок для социофобии и депрессии.

"В 1957 году Ник поступил в школу-интернат Игл Хаус (англ. Eagle House School) в Сэндхёрсте, графство Беркшир[13]. Отучившись там пять лет, в 1962 году он поступил в колледж Мальборо (англ. Marlborough College, основан в 1843 году), графство Уилтшир, в котором в своё время учились его отец, дедушка и прадедушка. Там он стал довольно сильным спортсменом (его тамошний рекорд в беге на 100 ярдов до сих пор не может побить ни один ученик Мальборо), некоторое время был капитаном команды по регби. Также Ник играл в оркестре колледжа, обучился игре на кларнете и саксофоне. В 1964 или 1965 году вместе с четырьмя школьными товарищами он организовал музыкальную группу, где играл в основном на фортепиано, а иногда — пел и играл на саксофоне. Группа носила название The Perfumed Gardeners («Надушенные садовники») и исполняла джазовые стандарты, кавер-версии артистов с английского лейбла Pye Records (The Kinks, Лонни Донеган, Лонг Джон Болдри, The Searchers и т. д.) и вещи The Yardbirds и Manfred Mann"


Знаю исполнителя по радио Максимум , 1 или 2 песенки крутили, меланхолично романтично, но долго не послушаешь

оффтоп, нравится готическая кладка (или крестовая) как на первом видео

Отредактировано darkside (11-04-2014 02:13:35)


а правда говорят что ты муж Фуконки???   https://forumupload.ru/uploads/0000/94/45/15511-4.gif   https://forumupload.ru/uploads/0000/94/45/15511-4.gif   https://forumupload.ru/uploads/0000/94/45/15511-4.gif


Nick Diaz

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